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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator JD Vance (R-OH) joined Fox Business’ Kudlow and blasted the Biden administration’s open-border policies. 
Watch the interview here and read excerpts below.

Senator Vance: “Larry, it’s the most important thing happening in our country. If we don’t get control of the southern border – tens of millions of illegal aliens are now in our country, tons of fentanyl killing over 100,000 people – we don’t have a country anymore if we don’t get control of that border…

“In a lot of ways, we are trying to solve a problem for the President that he can’t solve himself. He can’t secure the border because he’s got crazies on his left flank who want an open border in this country, but we Republicans are trying to solve the problem because if we have an open border, it is going to continue to destroy this country. I’d love to see us make some real forward progress here, but the problem is, Larry, the President really is in charge of border enforcement.

“He’s got to have a come-to-Jesus moment that recognizes that we’ve got to do something here. This is unacceptable. We’re now getting 12,000, 14,000 crossings every single day in this country. It’s got to stop, and the President’s got to do something to make it stop.”

For Background: 

  • In December, migrant encounters reached a record-breaking 302,000, the highest month on record.
  • Since October 1st, more than 780,000 encounters have been reported.
  • In January of last year, Senator Vance and Rep. Biggs (R-AZ) sent a bicameral letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas opposing the Department’s reckless decision to radically expand immigration parole programs.
  • In July, Senator Vance and Rep. Brecheen (R-OK) introduced legislation to prevent the use of taxpayer-funded healthcare and plan markets for illegal aliens. 
  • Also in July, Senator Vance introduced legislation to crack down on illegal visa overstays by creating a visa bond system requiring non-immigrant visa recipients to deposit a sum of money into a holding account with DHS before entering the United States.
  • Senator Vance led all Republican members of the Senate Banking Committee in sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and CFPB Director Rohit Chopra urging them to reconsider their planned effort to force American financial institutions to extend loans to illegal immigrants.
  • In December, Senator Vance and Rep. Hern (OK-01) introduced legislation to impose a 10% fee on remittances out of the United States, with the intention of penalizing illicit activity, such as drug and human smuggling.
